At the moment I'm either unconscious or stupidly busy - which doesn't make for good blogging. Health is still not good with added joy of having the blood pressure of an overweight octagenarian. Back to the docs again on Thursday to find out just how bad it might be. Purchase of home blood pressure monitor has caused much delight among friends and family - a new toy! Fear of blood pressure has put me on a mission to lose weight - even though I'm not that big, and that probably isn't the cause - so now also living without proper amounts of caffeine or sugar. Spare bedroom still isn't completely decorated - still a coat of paint on the ceiling, another coat of paint on the walls, one wall of wallpaper and the carpet to do.... Starting to look vaguely better though. New bed from ebay - 100 year old, solid oak, Arts & Crafts - is fabulous.
Just survived the first work event that I've organised at this place - complete with lunch. It was a sharing good practice thing, and we ran out of time (and therefore got kicked out the room), but I'm taking that as a good thing. I think I will be heading home soon as I'm completely wiped and can't imagine I'm going to do anything wonderfully productive for the rest of today. I'll be back in touch when I'm conscious again.....